Gisselle Meness Nunez is an American real estate agent known for starring in the Netflix’s series, Selling the City. Known for her strong work ethic and...
Jade Chan is an American real estate agent who appeared in Netflix’s reality series Selling the City. She has achieved success in many high-end real estate...
Jordyn Taylor is an American real estate agent known for starring in the Netflix series, Selling the City. She secured the highest property deal after selling...
Abigail Godfrey is an American real estate agent known for her role on Netflix’s Selling the City. She currently works at Douglas Elliman. Abigail is recognized...
Eleonora Srugo is an Israeli American luxury real estate agent. She is known for her appearance on the Netflix series, Selling the City. Srugo is further...
Whitney Sudler-Smith is an American filmmaker and TV director known as the executive producer and creator of Bravo’s reality docu-series, Southern Charm. He is also an...
Salley Carson is an American reality star known for her role on Season 10 of Southern Charm. She currently works as a spine surgery robot operator....
Daniel Moon is an American entrepreneur known as the husband of Tiffany Moon, a renowned reality star from The Real Housewives of Dallas. Daniel serves as...
Tiffany Moon is an American anesthesiologist and reality star. She is known for starring in The Real Housewives of Dallas. As of 2024, Tiffany Moon net...
Maurice Scott is an American real estate agent, entrepreneur, and reality star. He is known for being one of the cast members in the reality series,...